Sunday, December 11, 2016

Subrosa - 'Troubled Cells' from For This We Fought The Battle Of Ages (2016)

Subrosa's 'Troubled Cells' as a song and a video is an indictment of life lived within the prison of kyriarchy and the weight of the needless costs born by those who should never have to. It leaves me a shattered mess listen to and to watch. Subrosa is one of my favorite bands and they prove why over and over again. THE ANTHEM!!! <3 <3 <3 Hail Hecate. Hail Satan. CW: patriarchy, suicide, etc. I am including this whole album here which is one of the most beautiful and moving I have heard this whole year, as well as one of the most unforgiving and heavy in its attributes and implications. Based upon Yevgeny Zamyatin's dystopian science-fiction novel, We, For This We Fought The Battle Of Ages asks for and gives in return no quarter. I can say, that for deeply personal reasons, 'Despair Is A Siren' is the most meaningful song I heard in 2016. It means everything to me. <3 <3 <3 nathaxn

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