Fear of one's own double, living one's life afraid of the death of the self and the becoming of the other, consigning oneself to a living death, alone and terrified in hiding, not understanding that the death of one self is the liberation of the next. This song moves me very deeply, well below the surface. Cretin's whole album Stranger is very good, at the borders of old-school gore/grind/death/horror/madness. You can listen to it on bandcamp here: https://cretin.bandcamp.com/album/stranger
I especially also recommend the second song, "Ghost Of Teeth And Hair", which has a poignant separated/eaten teratomatic ghost/twin reunion at its heart. This also has very real resonance with the larger program of Cretin. This whole album just rules. Parts of it are gnarly in sound and in theme, as befits.
I also totally heart 'We Live In A Cave' which I totally relate to because I want to live in a cave, in the welcoming dark.
OK OK only one more favorite. 'Honey And Venom' is honestly one of the best narrative grind songs I have ever heard. Cretin are one of those bands it is so worth reading the lyrics to even if some times they are gross. In the case of 'Honey And Venom' they are just awesome. "BEEEEEEEESSS!!!!"
Here also is a full set from the 2013 Decibel Tour
Here is an interview conducted with Marissa at the outset of that tour:
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