Hello to All Friends & Readers!!!
I wanted to give an update to how things generally are going. I finally found a place to live approximately a half-hour from my big box job. It is an efficiency carved out of an art-deco movie theatre in a town where a natural gas pipeline is being put through which I am deathly afraid of. There is lots of painting going on in my building which is less than ideal because I am super chemically sensitive to paint, having suffered serious solvent exposure in 1997 at a job where i worked next to spray painting all day in an unventilated area of a warehouse. I eventually quit that job because i was slurring my speech, blacking out, throwing up, getting lost on the way home, etc, but I have permanent nervous system damage, making me forever wary of paint exposure. I am also still (ridiculously) renting a car for over 200 dollars a week, which I have since January. It is an emergency I have not been able to fix and I feel really ashamed about it. In other good news, I finally received my medical marijuana card for PA and have been finally getting some relief from chronic severe osteoarthritis pain, severe depression/anxiety and cognitive issues related to brain injury. It has also been helping with asthma and sleep apnea, for which I am in immediate need of a new CPAP machine which will also cost a great deal but that is a whole additional topic. After I went and (shamefully) renewed my rental car for another week I saw that I only had 50 dollars in the bank which is nowhere near enough to cover the rental car, potentially wiping out my bank account once again and subjecting me to overdraft fees on top of everything else. Even after that, I will not have any money for food or medicine for another week when I will get paid. My hours at my job are extremely variable, from 12 to 35 hours a week so this past month I have not worked enough to cover expenses. This week and next should be a lot better. Unfortunately I don't know how long I will be able to keep working, not only because continued work will jeopardize my disability income but also because I am in grotesque levels of excruciating hip, leg, spine/back pain every day at work. The medicine has helped some but the pain is so bad some days I have trouble walking out of my job. I am a cashier and I think the pain is mostly from repetitive strain. I am writing this to let everyone know how things are going and to share and to say thank you for help but also sadly to ask for any possible assistance for the next week. I have google pay and my email is numbatwombat21@gmail.com. It would make pain management and eating possible. Thank You For Your Kind Induldgences. Additionally I feel that this is my worst-written update yet. I am no longer confident in my writing. I have felt better about drawing and just completed a major series (available here on my blog!) but haven't been making art since. I have a question I would like to ask: if I am able to continue making art and hopefully get back to writing (?) do you think it would be a good idea to set up a Patreon? I don't know how they work and I would not have a whole lot to post there that I don't already post here, but I do have works-in-progress pieces and some variants that don't show up here. I am so frightened I am going to lose my disability and/or have to quit my job and I already don't have enough to get by. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated!!
Thank You,
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