i would rather have elaborated this with greater formality and concision later on, but i am on a daily basis, struck by the terrible absurdity that while 1/3 of the American People might be open to the possibility that Hilary Clinton and Tom Hanks run an international, possibly interdimensional, satanic/reptoid/illuminati pedophile/child sacrifice operation that Donald Trump is fighting in a secret apocalyptic shadow war wherein he figures prominently as its literal messiah, policies personally agreed to by Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions and John Kelly and Kristjen Nielsen and Alex Azar and on and on and on have created an ever-expanding for-profit system of prisons and internment camps to hold children forcibly separated from their parents, camps in which they torn from their parents and flown in the middle of the night clandestinely in a manner reminiscent of how the united states shackled and hooded and flew those they wanted to torture in Guantanamo or other countries, camps in which those children are subject to coerced injections of psychotropic drugs, verbal/psychological/sexual abuse at the hands of staff and others. (When told that they could not keep separating children from their parents, the Administration has simply accelerated the Obama-era strategy of building whole-family indefinite detention camps). This essential schism, a fundamental epistemic break in our country,
worries at me above and beyond the immediate rage and sorrow and dumb
*Pizzagate was a hypothesis. QAnon acts more like a religious movement. Indeed, they have taken on the purposefully evocative, deeply American mantle of a 'Great Awakening'. QAnon is fragmentary, omnidirectional, swarming. Pizzagate is disprovable, theoretically. QAnon has no real core ideology other than the cosmically-anointed rightness of Donald Trump At War With Satan.
** My best hypothesis is that QAnon is a weaponized ARG'/ITE. Recent advances in sustained mytho-narrative mass storytelling recruit individuals to become part of the narrative even as they contribute to its spread, strengthening and authoring in turn and explicitly involve blending online/IRL modalities. I initially agreed that QAnon is more than likely a 4chan/8chan troll operation. Now i am not so sure. I also think it is possible that QAnon may have begun life as a 4chan troll operation but now it can be used and authored by anyone so current provenance is unclear.
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