Sunday, February 26, 2017

Arcadia - 'Election Day - Long Version' from So Red The Rose (1985)

I was such a huge Duran Duran dork that I was even more obsessed with the Duran Duran offshoot Arcadia, which promised even more art-rock pretense and mostly delivered. It might be my favorite Duran Duran related anything because it really does capture a mid-80's pseudo-goth-decadence-into-fascism vibe that is actually truly unhealthy-seeming. This is all very explicitly presented in the 'Election Day' video. The only thing wrong with this video is that Grace Jones does not personally appear in it, which was greatly disappointing in 1985 and remains so today. This album is really great and worth hearing if you have not. <3 nathaxn Bonus Arcadia: 'Missing' is exquisite chamber psych-pop, closer to later 80's Talk Talk than anything I can immediately think of. Absolutely ravishingly beautiful. Bonus Bonus Arcadia! 'The Promise' is maybe my favorite, because it has Sting And Herbie Hancock and David Gilmour and Andy Mackay all on the same song, which is completely insane, and totally works.

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